Monday, 20 January 2014

7 Ways to Avoid Marital Interference's When you are a Blogger

A lot of us bloggers also work full time or parent full time,so, our blogging hours often overlap with our "partner hours".  In some cases, I have heard that blogging has upset marriages, or even caused conflict of interest.  So, I have compiled a list of 7 important things to consider when working on your blog.

1. Time Management
This may seem really silly to see as the first suggestions, but lets face it, we can all "say" time management, but can we all "apply" it?  Heck no.  So, task one - schedule your blogging time on a shared calendar to let your husband know, this way there is no surprises. My husband and I have a sync'd google calendar.  It is free to all gmail users, so take advantage people.

2. Ask Permission
Us lady bloggers can sometimes dive a bit into the personal side of things.  It is very important before divulging any private information (even if you think it is no big deal) to consult your other half.  You just never know what kind of opinion your partner may have about photo's you are posting or even content you are sharing.  Privacy means different things to different people.

3. Be Mindful of Digital Footprint
Remember that digital footprints are permanent.  What you post online is extremely difficult to track and erase, and maybe even impossible.  If you are involving peoples real names, or real photos, be sure they are okay with this.  Make sure your partner is okay with you doing this - especially when it comes to your children.

4.  Balance your Content
If you are the kind of person who uses your blog as an outlet to vent, remember to look at the bright side too once in awhile.  Otherwise, you could be suggesting something that maybe you don't mean. For instance, you always blog about family crisis, or long work hours, or late night meetings - an outsider may read into these posts and assume this content is relative to your life...and so may your partner.  So if you are arguing one side, try and write about the other too.  If anything - this will actually give you more content!  
5. X-nay on the In-Laws-ay 
Never blog about the in-laws - 'nough said.

6. Involve your Partner
Ask your partner what they would be interested in reviewing, or even hearing about. Maybe your partner can help you build your editorial calendar for the month. Involving them in your day to day activities may help them realize just how seriously you take this.  For instance, I use my blog as a method to communicate with potential clients and inform them of my book, Susy the Soother Fairy.  If I didn't have this social method of spreading the word, I may have fewer clients and earn less.  It is important to explain reasons to your partner, and then they won't feel like this is a hobby.  

7. Encourage Extra Curricular
This one may sound really odd - I know, but it is a win-win situation.  In my house, all of my blogging is done when my husband is playing sports (two nights a week).  What I challenge you to do then is encourage your partner to partake in something outside of work hours.  They will be happy and you will be happy.  See! Win-win.

If you are just starting out - start out right and have "the talk" with your partner. If you are a veteran and find that this part of your life is taking over - maybe there are some useful ideas here.  Just don't forget about the,, they are a big part of your life, and probably a big part of your motivation.  Remember to acknowledge and respect the relationship part of your life, and you will avoid any of those marital interference's that can arise from the blogging industry.


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