Monday, 31 March 2014
Marketing Your Self Published Book
Becoming a self-published writer seems easy enough in today's online world. We write, edit, find a printer or create an ebook...but then what? With access to the Internet, this task is openly available to anyone with the finances to self-publish, however, most authors are indeed just writers and are not prepared or don't know where to start when tackling the marketing side of self-publishing.
I want to offer up 5 simple strategies to marketing your book online. I had to do just this recently and am currently working on building my own online strategy, so it will be fun to grow and learn together. It is important to remember that social media is a very saturated place, so it is not as easy as you think to grow a huge following - it takes perseverance, great content, and regular posting to achieve a following. So hint number one when diving into your online strategy - work at it - everyday.
I want to offer up 5 simple strategies to marketing your book online. I had to do just this recently and am currently working on building my own online strategy, so it will be fun to grow and learn together. It is important to remember that social media is a very saturated place, so it is not as easy as you think to grow a huge following - it takes perseverance, great content, and regular posting to achieve a following. So hint number one when diving into your online strategy - work at it - everyday.
This is a great way to find similar minded people. Twitter allows you to pick and choose people you want to target and have conversations with. I chose to follow women entrepreneurs and mothers of children who are in my target market - and they were so easy to find. Twitter auto-populates suggestions for you of similar people to follow, so make sure your description on Twitter describes your book and yourself so you are properly categorised and easy to find as well.
Boolean Searching
Finding and targeting your audience is easier than you think using the search engine within Twitter. If you want to find people who are looking for conversations around soothers or pacifiers - you could enter a search parameter like this: soother or pacifier which to the search engine means containing "soother" or "pacifier" (or both). It pulled up a ton of results, although dated conversations, I still found some interesting content that I was able to reuse for blogging and posting. Find additional search parameters for Twitter Searches here
Thursday, 13 March 2014
How 5 Everyday Entrepreneurial Women Inspired Me
About a year and a half ago, I made the conscious decision to write and illustrate a children's book. It took months, but a lot of fun, a lot of editing and some experimenting with printing. Finally, I ended up with a finished product to wrap and give to my daughter on her third birthday. The plan was always to have it ready for her, because she was in dire need of assistance to get rid of her darn soother attachment. Having tried other methods, I came up with Susy the Soother Fairy - who to this day - she tells everyone about. In our home, the Soother Fairy is as popular as Santa, Toothfairy and the Easter Bunny. It is pretty cool.
This story is not about my book, but about how I published my book and the women that have inspired me, guided me, and helped me promote. I wanted to write about these women, because I want to inspire and help others like they have for me.
Last June I met a woman named Jacqueline Dinsmore. An entrepreneurial woman who gave up law to follow her brilliant and successful venture. Teaming up with her very own mother, she came up with Luvali Convertibles. It started with a reversible toque design for children, one toque could flip inside out and become another. You will have to check out her website for more details and see the breadth of product they now offer. Now their product line is available at retailers throughout North America and to the world online.

This story is not about my book, but about how I published my book and the women that have inspired me, guided me, and helped me promote. I wanted to write about these women, because I want to inspire and help others like they have for me.
Last June I met a woman named Jacqueline Dinsmore. An entrepreneurial woman who gave up law to follow her brilliant and successful venture. Teaming up with her very own mother, she came up with Luvali Convertibles. It started with a reversible toque design for children, one toque could flip inside out and become another. You will have to check out her website for more details and see the breadth of product they now offer. Now their product line is available at retailers throughout North America and to the world online.
Jacqueline Dinsmore
Jacqueline and her mom ran into my mom and my girls at the mall. They wanted to try out one of their cute toques on my girls to make sure the sizing was right for distribution. I said yes - and then followed up by asking for her card so that we could chat about how she grew her business into retailers North-America wide. Having exchanged information, I followed up with her. She was so accommodating, answered all my business questions and then passed me on to 2 other women. One who was published and another who self-published. Those women were Laura Berg of My Smart Hands and Meredith Deasely a self-published Pediatric Nutritionist and author.
Thursday, 27 February 2014
12 Things I Plan on Teaching my Kids

My goal going forward is to try and stop the rush and teach my kids about the truly important things in life.
- Family is the most Important Thing you will Ever Own not Toys or Cars or HousesIn todays day and age, with soaring populations and global warming, and traffic and sicknesses, you just never know from day to day what is going to happen. They need to learn to not take family for granted.
- Having Fun is better than winningSounds so cliché and to be honest, I cannot believe I want to teach my kids this - my husband and I are super competitive people, and so our kids have inherited double the is trouble, I foresee it - so I plan on teaching them that fun is way better
Saturday, 22 February 2014
7 Simple yet Amazing ways to help kick the soother habit
When my oldest daughter was 2, I started trying to figure out how to get rid of that darn soother. Her soother attachment was getting out of control. Parents with children and soothers totally understand this constant battle to wean the child of the soother. It is not easy, and we sometimes lack the confidence to take it away. I know myself, I feared losing the afternoon nap and the constant battle to stop the crocodile tears. I am sure you all felt similar. While researching some different methods, I came across this awesome list from and thought I would share it.
- Cold turkey. Stand your ground and don't give in! It is tough, but you can do it.
- Phase it out. Start by only allowing it at bed times and in the car, then take away the car, then take away nap, then take away overnight. Over time is the key to this one.
- Say hello to the "Soother Fairy" or any other mythological creature of your choosing. The goal here is to take the pressure and anger off of the parents and transform it into a rewarding event. Soothers or pacifiers go to the mythological fairy in exchange for a treat or a present. Preparation is key for this, so best to use a book or song as a tool - and repeat it often.

Thursday, 20 February 2014
The not-so-Secret Tool Every Parent Needs to Help get Rid of that Darn Pacifier

Susy the Soother Fairy Comes when you are Three, is targeted at three year olds directly. Three year olds are able to process the information and accept what is about to happen.. The book comes complete with Susy’s magic sac, making the experience very real and successful for young ones.
Monday, 10 February 2014
10 Tips on How to Break up with a "Friend" - After all - C'est la Vie

Everyone has there own reasons for wanting to ditch a friend, so here are some ways on how to do it, 1 being the most tactful and hardest way - and 10 being the easiest and least tactful. This is kind of like a choose your own adventure, because no matter which way you do it, there is bound to be some sort of short term and negative outcome.
Saturday, 8 February 2014
15 Signs You Should Invest In Self Publishing

Here are some of the signs that scream "YES!" self-publish your book!
- Your draft is complete, edited and perfect
- You have reached out for feedback from family, friends and strangers and results are positive
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
5 Ways to Incorporate Valentine's with the Kids Around
When my hubby asked me what I wanted to do for Valentine's day, I told him flat out - stay home - order in and make it special for the kids too. Once they go to bed, we can have our true Valentine's day (minus wine for He was apprehensive at first because we always do something, but this is the first year we don't have any support - the parents are all out of town, and we have never hired a baby sitter...and I am not starting on Valentine's day.
Here is what we are doing and it might be fun for all you others who are in the same boat.
Yes - I am doing it. Why? So I can have a nice relaxing morning while the kids are at daycare - then pick them up early and make some Valentine's day crafts. Maybe hit up
Here is what we are doing and it might be fun for all you others who are in the same boat.
#1 - Taking the Day off Work
Yes - I am doing it. Why? So I can have a nice relaxing morning while the kids are at daycare - then pick them up early and make some Valentine's day crafts. Maybe hit up
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Spark a New Valentine's Tradition: Valentine's Crafts for Kids
My Mom and Dad have always done such a great job to make Valentine's day special for the kids. Every Valentine's day growing up (as far as I can remember) I had a little gift of chocolates and a hand written note wishing me happy Valentine's day from Daddy. Being Daddy's only little girl, I sure felt special.
Mom always had homemade cupcakes decorated special for Valentine's that were so delicious. I often helped her decorate them. The best part is they have continued this tradition with my baby girls, and have made it special for them in turn. I love it. To me, family and tradition is a big part of Valentine's day, and so I am passing on a few crafts for you to do with your little ones this year.

Mom always had homemade cupcakes decorated special for Valentine's that were so delicious. I often helped her decorate them. The best part is they have continued this tradition with my baby girls, and have made it special for them in turn. I love it. To me, family and tradition is a big part of Valentine's day, and so I am passing on a few crafts for you to do with your little ones this year.

A Variety Of Printables has generously posted a variety of printable coloring pages, activity sheets, 3D candy boxes featuring your favorite Disney characters, and of course a mailbox full of printable Valentines Day cards.
Monday, 27 January 2014
10 Signs You Should Invest In Date Night

10. You Dread your Daily Routine
Every day is the same old. Wake up, get dressed, gets kids dressed, feed, clean etc. Fill in the blanks with how your daily rolls out.
Monday, 20 January 2014
7 Ways to Avoid Marital Interference's When you are a Blogger
A lot of us bloggers also work full time or parent full time,so, our
blogging hours often overlap with our "partner hours". In some
cases, I have heard that blogging has upset marriages, or even caused conflict
of interest. So, I have compiled a list of 7 important things to consider
when working on your blog.
This may seem really silly to see as the first suggestions, but lets
face it, we can all "say" time management, but can we all
"apply" it? Heck no. So, task one - schedule your
blogging time on a shared calendar to let your husband know, this way there is
no surprises. My husband and I have a sync'd google calendar. It is free
to all gmail users, so take advantage people.
Monday, 13 January 2014
How joining a networking group will benefit a SAHM's small business
Wake up. Change diapers. Make breakfast. Clean. Maybe take care of yourself. Clean again. Prepare more food. Clean up some more. Play. Play some more. Hubby is home, day is over.
Being an entrepreneur means that after my kids shut down for the night, I usually hit the keyboard at a fierce pace. Research some content, write some content, sometimes multiples in one night just to try and stay ahead of the game. Work on my online store, my website, read some awesome Social Media Examiner, then hit the hay.
This routine I just described is pretty typical of a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM) with a small business. This is why I wanted to focus on some other methods of conducting business. Networking. Whether it is a dog walking company, a tutoring business, an online store or a massage therapist - networking is a must, and we need to do it one on one. Let's step away from using only social marketing and join a local networking group. Why you ask?
Being an entrepreneur means that after my kids shut down for the night, I usually hit the keyboard at a fierce pace. Research some content, write some content, sometimes multiples in one night just to try and stay ahead of the game. Work on my online store, my website, read some awesome Social Media Examiner, then hit the hay.
Networking is a must, and we need to do it one on one.
This routine I just described is pretty typical of a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM) with a small business. This is why I wanted to focus on some other methods of conducting business. Networking. Whether it is a dog walking company, a tutoring business, an online store or a massage therapist - networking is a must, and we need to do it one on one. Let's step away from using only social marketing and join a local networking group. Why you ask?
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Why a New Business Should Use a Deal Site like Groupon or Wagjag
Depending on how you perceive couponing or deal sites will depend on your strategy here. In my case, being a self-published and new author, I would consider using a site like this for pure reach and free advertising. If I earn sales from the deal site, that is great, but be warned, your 'take home' is not huge.
Sites like Groupon, Wagjag and Sweet Deals will typically ask for a minimum discount on your product or service up to 90% off the retail price. Then they will take up to 50% of that number as profit when it sells. For example, my books currently retail for $14.50, I would offer them for $8.50 and the deal site will take $4.25, leaving me with a 'take home' of $4.25.
Why would a company ever use a site like this if it cuts so deep into profit margins? Strategy is the correct answer. These are a few reasons why it may be a good tactic for your business.

Why would a company ever use a site like this if it cuts so deep into profit margins? Strategy is the correct answer. These are a few reasons why it may be a good tactic for your business.
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Start the New Year off Right: Clean up your Digital Footprint
Before anyone knew what a digital footprint was, we all just posted, and status updated, and pinned,
and tagged to our hearts content. Later, we finally become educated and realize that everything, and
I mean EVERYTHING, that we have posted online will remain there, eternally. And this is searchable by
employers, future partners and your very own children.
Here are some ways to clean up that digital footprint and get ready for whatever the future holds.
You will want to check your privacy settings and make sure that have your Facebook account is set to
friends only. Otherwise, anyone can see your timeline.
and tagged to our hearts content. Later, we finally become educated and realize that everything, and
I mean EVERYTHING, that we have posted online will remain there, eternally. And this is searchable by
employers, future partners and your very own children.
Here are some ways to clean up that digital footprint and get ready for whatever the future holds.
#1 – Facebook Profile Settings
You will want to check your privacy settings and make sure that have your Facebook account is set to
friends only. Otherwise, anyone can see your timeline.
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- 12 Things I Plan on Teaching my Kids
- 7 Simple yet Amazing ways to help kick the soother...
- The not-so-Secret Tool Every Parent Needs to Help ...
- 10 Tips on How to Break up with a "Friend" - After...
- 15 Signs You Should Invest In Self Publishing
- 5 Ways to Incorporate Valentine's with the Kids Ar...
- Spark a New Valentine's Tradition: Valentine's Cra...